Dave: Sometimes band, sometimes cult. (http://www.facebook.com/parkinglotexperiments) (Yes I say links in conversation)
Shak: lloyd's gone away to europe for three months and we all decided we didn't really want to play shows while he was gone. dave mentioned the other day that he feels like a quarter of an artist, and that's exactly how i feel too, so ..yeah...playing a show without lloyd is SAD. I AM SAD WHEN I PLAY SHOWS WITHOUT A BEARD.........ED LLOYDFACE.

Dave: There's this bit in the Flaming Lips documentary where their guitarist leaves the band and then they kinda just say "well... let's do something else I guess..." and then their music changes direction COMPLETELY and is totally beautiful. This is only a little bit like that, but I did think that we could benefit as a group from trying new things and playing with limitations so yeah! We had this gig, seven days after liftoff. It was at Edinburgh Castle, with ii, Electric Jellyfish, and Treetops.
//Song one//
//Song two//
Dave: So yeah, there's this song codenamed Feedbackdrone, where we got your microphone plugged into the laptop, and going into a vocoder with a laptop synth attached. Basically the idea was that if Andy was to move the microphone closer and further away from the foldbacks, we'd be able to play feedback like a keyboard. Surprisingly it works! To start, I played some notes that I thought were nice, then we had a change where a casio chord came in, and then with fruity delay we made the feedback notes into a drone on the tonic chord with a 2 and a 6. Andy stomped his foot, clapped and sung lead as I started and stopped a distortion effect on the drone with a repeating rhythm. Then after a bit, soft guitar came in (On stage I actually couldn't hear it at all, and it was sooo my fault for not remembering to check it before we started. annoying!) with some nice casio chords and the whole thing sped up and there were some light drums and we all sang. The end.
Unfortunately we have no media of this one to show you, as the camera was being weird.
This song (live) rested somewhere between success and failure imho. We may repackage the ideas, or simply use the feedback synth in something else.
We were originally planning on doing a multiple vocal thing but after listening to a rough tape demo a couple of times I actually heard what Andy was doing and really liked it, so he sung the main thing. And it wasn't traumatic like last time!
PS. A slow song? A long chord drone? Where's Lloyd??
//Song one//
//Song two//
Dave: So yeah, there's this song codenamed Feedbackdrone, where we got your microphone plugged into the laptop, and going into a vocoder with a laptop synth attached. Basically the idea was that if Andy was to move the microphone closer and further away from the foldbacks, we'd be able to play feedback like a keyboard. Surprisingly it works! To start, I played some notes that I thought were nice, then we had a change where a casio chord came in, and then with fruity delay we made the feedback notes into a drone on the tonic chord with a 2 and a 6. Andy stomped his foot, clapped and sung lead as I started and stopped a distortion effect on the drone with a repeating rhythm. Then after a bit, soft guitar came in (On stage I actually couldn't hear it at all, and it was sooo my fault for not remembering to check it before we started. annoying!) with some nice casio chords and the whole thing sped up and there were some light drums and we all sang. The end.
Unfortunately we have no media of this one to show you, as the camera was being weird.
This song (live) rested somewhere between success and failure imho. We may repackage the ideas, or simply use the feedback synth in something else.
We were originally planning on doing a multiple vocal thing but after listening to a rough tape demo a couple of times I actually heard what Andy was doing and really liked it, so he sung the main thing. And it wasn't traumatic like last time!
PS. A slow song? A long chord drone? Where's Lloyd??
Shak: ...europet
//Song three//
//We Miss Lloyd//
Dave: On stage, before we started, we realised that we didn't have so much time, so we cut this one out of the set on the fly. As such, what we have for you is this tape demo:
//Song three//
//We Miss Lloyd//
Dave: On stage, before we started, we realised that we didn't have so much time, so we cut this one out of the set on the fly. As such, what we have for you is this tape demo:
Andrew: This song tumbled out of us like an egg. It was almost fully-formed rightaway.
(DRUMSTUFF: I've kind of been wanting to crack out the 3/4 for years now ~ basically because I just really like it, but also because I'm really aware of the that English-speaking bands, when they use 3/4, have a general tendency to employ it as a novelty, and never venture further out into rhythmic possibilities than the most standard "frenchysounding" boom-ka-ka, y'know? There are just heaps of beat-possibilities in 3/4 that aren't heard that often. Less obtuse than 5/4, more immediate than 6/8... yeah. 3/4 has a good (and, to my mind, acutely humble) thing goin' on.)
More to the point, this is one of my favourite PLE songs ever.
(DRUMSTUFF: I've kind of been wanting to crack out the 3/4 for years now ~ basically because I just really like it, but also because I'm really aware of the that English-speaking bands, when they use 3/4, have a general tendency to employ it as a novelty, and never venture further out into rhythmic possibilities than the most standard "frenchysounding" boom-ka-ka, y'know? There are just heaps of beat-possibilities in 3/4 that aren't heard that often. Less obtuse than 5/4, more immediate than 6/8... yeah. 3/4 has a good (and, to my mind, acutely humble) thing goin' on.)
More to the point, this is one of my favourite PLE songs ever.
Shak: SAME. It's gonna be weeeeirddddd seeing how i feel about this song when you get back. we'll probably all like it just as much, but playing it now and thinking about how we'll actually feel when we know you're on a plane coming home is soooo good. lyrically it was also REALLY easy for us. we were just like LLOYD'S COMING HOME and we all sat down and i wrote the first line and andy wrote the second line and dave wrote the last line but it was such a group effort and it was really fun and nice and awesome and we just listened to the demo over and over and blissed out. YEAH!
Dave: It's weird that you haven't heard this yet, because it's already one of my absolute favourites to play. So much fun. We hope you like it.
Dave: It's weird that you haven't heard this yet, because it's already one of my absolute favourites to play. So much fun. We hope you like it.
Lloyd's coming home, sitting on a plane, I hope that he can sleep
Cause there's a hole in the noise that we make
And if he's rested, he might remember our songs
Lloyd's coming home
And if he's rested, he might remember our songs
Lloyd's coming home